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Corey Cockerill

Phone: 937.481.2302
Position: Interim President

Address Location: College Hall, 201, President's Suite
Mailbox Location: Pyle Box 1287

Interim President of Wilmington College. Corey has served Wilmington College as a professor of communication arts and agriculture, teaching courses in public relations, event planning, social media management, journalism, media studies, agricultural policy and agricultural communication.

Information (Degree(s), Departments, Course, Contact Info)

  • B.S. Agricultural Communications
  • M.S. Rural Sociology
  • Ph.D. Environmental Sociology, Policy and Communication
  • The Ohio State University

Serve the departments of Agriculture and Communication Arts

Currently Teach:

  • CA131 Media for Social Change
  • CA330 Copywriting and Copy Editing
  • CA361 Event Coordination & Logistics
  • CA364 Social Media Management
  • CA495 Senior Studio
  • AG272 Intro to Agricultural Communications
  • AG460 Agricultural Policy


Published/Creative works (if any)


Napier, T.L. and Cockerill, C.H. (Forthcoming). Factors Affecting Adoption of Soil and Water Conservation Production Systems in Lesser-Scale Societies. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor and Francis.

Cockerill, C.H. and Napier, T.L. (2010). The Impact of Information on the Adoption of Soil and Water Conservation Practices at the Farm-Level. In Napier, T.L. (Eds.), Human Dimensions of Soil and Water Conservation. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Cockerill, C.H. (2009). Shedding the Myth: Challenging the Contemporary Notion of Watershed Management. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag.

Refereed Publications

Cockerill, C. (2013). Exploring Social Media Obstacles and Opportunities within Public Agencies: Lessons from the Ohio Division of Wildlife. International Journal of Business and Social Science, v. 4(2): 39-44.

Napier, T.L., Cockerill, C., Gates, R., and Arvai, J. (2008). The Application of Interactive Path Modeling to Deer Hunting Participation among Ohio Hunters. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, v. 6(3&4): 510-517.

Tucker, M., Ernst, S. and Henry, C. (2004). Demystifying the Puzzle of Applied Communication Research. Journal of Applied Communications, v. 88(4).

Napier, T.L., Tucker, M., Henry, C. and Whaley, S.R. (2004). Consumer Attitutdes toward GMOs: The Ohio Experience. Journal of Food Science, v. 69(3): 69-76.

Napier, T.L., Tucker, M., Henry, C. and Yang, X. (2004). Ethical Orientations of Ohio Residents toward Genetically Engineered Plants and Animals: An Urban/Rural Comparison. Food, Agriculture & Environment, v. 2(2): 400-411.

Napier T.L., Henry C., Yang X. (2004). Impacts of Conservation Policies and Programs on Farm Level Adoption Behaviors in the United States. Trends in Soil Science, v. 3:47-58.

Professional Organizations

International Soil and Water Conservation Society

Association for Conservation Information

International Association of Business Communicators

Outdoor Writers of Ohio

Academic Organizations

Phi Kappa Phi, International Honors Society

Gamma Sigma Delta, Agricultural Honors Society

Off campus study experiences

Led TR330 Study/Service Trip to Monteverde, Costa Rica, Spring 2014

Led Fall Agricultural Lobby Trip to Washington, D.C., Fall 2014

Favorite hobbies/activities (if any)

Enjoy hiking, jogging, camping, gardening, and canning; Co-owner of a family farm in southwest Ohio on which we raise corn, soybeans, and chickens.