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Alumni Council

The Wilmington College Alumni Council exists to create and expand positive engagement amongst the entire College community. The council actively seeks opportunities to cultivate relationships with alumni of all ages and places, while providing a welcoming organization for all Wilmington College students, faculty, staff, friends, and parents.

The Council will accomplish this mission with organized communication, events, programs, and service by providing support and feedback to the College where the council believes will deliver positive impact on the Wilmington College student and greater community.

The Alumni Council meets four times a year. Each member will also participate in a council subcommittee. Our subcommittee structure is designed to allow for open and purposeful meetings that engage important pillars of what the Council believes most beneficial to the College, alumni community, and current students. These subcommittee’s also meet quarterly.

The Alumni Council subcommittees:

  • Alumni Engagement
  • Admissions
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Career Services

If you are interested in joining the Wilmington College Alumni Council contact the Office of Alumni Engagement at or 937.481.2432. Also, feel free to contact a member of the council below to learn more about how and why they serve Wilmington College as a member of the council.

KAMERON RINEHART ‘20 (Agriculture)

Doctoral Student and CEO & Co-Founder of Rural Beans Roastery
Lubbock, TX

  • Doctoral Graduate Assistant at Texas Tech University
  • Ohio 4-H Foundation Board Member
  •  Alumni Council Subcommittee – Alumni Engagement

Why are you involved with the Wilmington College Alumni Council?

Wilmington College allowed me to gain valuable hands-on experience through many programs offered at the college, including the Agricultural DC Trip, study abroad programs, and leadership opportunities.

What piece of advice would you share with a current student about their time at Wilmington College?

I encourage all students to get involved and find their passion at Wilmington College. Don't be afraid to try something new and broaden your horizon; you never know. You might just love it!


Librarian/Media Specialist for Cornerstone Charter Schools
Farmington, MI

  • Green Key Honor Society
  • Phi Beta Omega Sorority
  • Secondary Comprehensive Social Studies Education and History
  • Alumni Council subcommittee – Career Services and Alumni Engagement

What Quaker Core value resonates with you most as a Wilmington College Alumni and why?

The Quaker core value that comes forward from my time at Wilmington College is Service and Civil Engagement. I become a children's librarian and work in neighborhood’s other librarians don't want to work - inner cities or poor rural areas, because this is where I can make a difference in the lives of children who need the most. I stay involved in the community to make the world a better place for kids.

What is a fond memory you would like to share about your time as a student at Wilmington College?

My favorite memory from Wilmington College was working for five Cincinnati Bengals training camps in the dining rooms where they ate. I have some funny stories which could embarrass some of the players now announcing games for the major television networks.

MATT S. COX  ‘95 (Business Administration)

Consultant of Community Outreach for the IU Health East Central Region
Muncie, IN

  • Alumni Council subcommittee – Admissions and Marketing/Communication

What Quaker Core value resonates with you most as a Wilmington College Alumni and why?

I am a Consultant of Community Outreach for the IU Health East Central Region for the past seven years. I was involved in Public Relations, Marketing, and Human Resources earlier in my career.

I didn't always think it would turn out this way, but my current role aligns with Wilmington College values in that I get to promote civic engagement and a sense of community every day. Our health system values include promoting better access to care and healthier lifestyles.

What piece of advice would you share with a current student about their time at Wilmington College?

My advice for students is to not necessarily rush into a major or field of study. You can have an idea, but odds are you'll be a different person coming out of school than starting. I chose the more direct path, and fortunately it worked out eventually (see above).

FRANK A. MAUE ‘12 (Business Administration)

Resident Services Coordinator at Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH

  • Alumni Council subcommittee – Admissions and Marketing/Communication

Why are you involved with the Wilmington College Alumni Council?

I am involved with the Alumni Council because I enjoyed my time at Wilmington College and formed friendships that continue to this day.  Through the classes I took, my position as a Resident Assistant, and the people I met, I discovered interests and got involved in things that played a role in shaping who I am.

What is a fond memory you would like to share about your time as a student at Wilmington College?

During my senior year, a couple of friends and I would go down to the General Denver for Open Mic Night each week.  We would usually end up running into other students or Wilmington College community members we knew.

BRENDAN FETTERS ‘04 (Early Childhood Education)

Middle School Assistant Principal in the Wake County Public School System
Apex, North Carolina

  • Alumni Council subcommittee – Marketing/Communication

What Quaker Core value resonates with you most as a Wilmington College Alumni and why?

The Quaker Value that most resonates with me is service and civic engagement. It was during my time at Wilmington College that I first discovered my love for community involvement and service. Two things I’m very passionate about and extremely involved with throughout the greater Raleigh area and beyond today.

Why are you involved with the Wilmington College Alumni Council?

I’m a very proud alumni of Wilmington College. I speak about my undergraduate experiences often and have worked hard to broaden recruitment of Wilmington College alums into our school district and promote the college in general to friends throughout the Raleigh area and southeastern region.  Being involved with alumni council when the opportunity presented itself was a perfect fit.

QUATEZ B. SCOTT ‘12 (Communication Arts)

Higher education and Ph.D. candidate at Wright State University
West Carrolton, OH

  • Football
  • Lambda Chi
  • Alumni Council subcommittee- Career Services

Justin Newman ‘03

Partner at Altman Newman Co. LPA (Private practice focusing on plaintiff representation in citizen suit enforcement of federal environmental laws (RCRA, CAA, and CWA), toxic torts and administrative law).

  • Green Key Honor Society
  • Marble Society Committee Member
  • Mock Trial Team
  • Alumni Council subcommittee - Career Services

What is a fond memory you would like to share about your time as a student at Wilmington College?

My fondest memory is, of course, meeting my wife…. Other fond memories including winning a national competition as part of the Wilmington College Mock Trial team and all the insightful discussions in pre-law and social science courses taught by professors such as Paul Moke, Mary Ellen Batiuk, Mary Rose-Zink, and Charlie Bennett.

What piece of advice would you share with a current student about their time at Wilmington College?

Wilmington College is a great institution that can prepare you to make a difference in your community… Pursue leadership roles in campus organizations that interest you and, if there isn’t an organization that meets your interests, start one and grow it during your time on campus.

Kathleen Palmer Harbaugh ‘70

Non-profit Administrator

  • Green Key Honor Society
  • Marble Society Member
  • Alumni Council subcommittee- Alumni Engagement and Admissions

What Quaker Core value resonates with you most as a Wilmington College Alumni and why?

It’s difficult to pick just one, as they’ve all have guided my life and career in many ways.  My professional career was based around social justice, diversity, and respect for all persons.  I have always felt it important to engage in service and civic engagement and am happy that semi-retirement gives me more time to do this.

What is a fond memory you would like to share about your time as a student at Wilmington College?

I went to Wilmington because of its work study program, and I stayed because of all the caring relationships. I had no money at all, but staff found a variety of ways to keep me there.  I never worried about money and graduated with no debt.

Jacquelyn S. Quay, PhD ‘73 (Art Education & Administration)

  • Delta Omega Theta Sorority
  • Summer Theater
  • Music Groups
  • Alumni Council subcommittee – Alumni Engagement

What Quaker Core value resonates with you most as a Wilmington College Alumni and why?

The Quaker Core value that resonates with me most as a Wilmington College alumnus is service and civic engagement.  I come from a family who demonstrated this value through their volunteerism. It has been our way to help make our communities better communities in which to live, work, and play.  Serving on my college’s alumni council is one more way I support this value.

What piece of advice would you share with a current student about their time at Wilmington College?

If I could share one piece of advice with current WC students, it would be to savor your time at Wilmington College.  Drink it all in. You’ll blink and it will be 50 years later, and you will appreciate the friends you made, the activities in which you participated, and the education you received while there.  You’ll realize just what an impact attending Wilmington College has had on your life.