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Athletic Training Students Hone Skills in Mock Interviews

PICTURED: Corbin Shatto-Craft interviews with Shad Bernard from Premier Health.

The cohort of Wilmington College students on track to graduate in May with a Master of Science in Athletic Training degree participated in mock interviews Thursday (Nov. 16) with organizations that regularly hire these allied health professionals. Not only did they hone their interviewing skills, but also may have laid a foundation for securing employment next year.

Jennifer Walker, associate professor of athletic training, said mock interviews enhance students’ communication skills and sense of professionalism while also helping them gain real-life interview experience, presenting an opportunity for networking with sports medicine professionals and familiarizing themselves with various organizations in their field. The event also motivated them to update their resumes in preparation.

“The job market for athletic trainers is wide open- there is a large demand right now,” Walker said. “Most of these organizations currently have open positions and will in fall 2024 as well. There is no doubt these interviews can end up in job offers.”

Indeed, she said several of the companies offered students jobs and requested follow-up interviews. Last year, most of the College’s MSAT students already had job offers before their graduation.

Walker added that WC’s AT program has a history of producing high-quality athletic trainers. “All of these companies here today have employed (and currently do employ) Wilmington College AT alumni. They look to us annually for new grads to hire. They come to this event specifically to recruit for open positions in their companies. So, it’s a win-win for both parties!”

The organizations participating in the mock interviews were: Adena Health, Kettering Health, Wayne HealthCare, Premier Health, Highland District Hospital, Beacon Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Ohio Valley.

PICTURED: Andrea Edmiston interviews with Adena Health staff members Shane Wells ,Trina Owings, Andrea Gobel, Alison Hall and Taylor Priest.